Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Course Reflection Essay: Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

Starting college right after graduating high school this past June was not an easy thing to do considering I was not yet ready to continue my education. With this semester now coming to an end, I am happy that I stuck with school and didn’t take a year off. Mr. Paul Gasparo was quite the character this semester. I do not mean that in an ugly way at all. I’m just saying he always kept us on our toes and expected a lot, even if you didn’t say so. I did find this class a little unorganized but I found my way through in the end. Future students you can expect to think outside the box and come out of your comfort zone. I thought it was refreshing at the beginning of the semester when we had group discussions and they ended up being more like debates. I learned a lot about what was going on from the articles that you had us read. I wouldn’t be reading about news articles if I was just in my everyday life. Now, I find myself caring more about what is going on around me. The course is full of a lot of new writings that I felt like I was not prepared for. I felt like the Rhetorical Analysis and the Annotated Bibliography was kind of sprung up on us and I felt like we should have spent more class time learning about these essays. My struggles of English 111 were just the writing in general. I have always excelled at writing but, I have to say it was hard for me to get into these writings. It was seriously like clipping a rhino’s toenail, and that is not easy. But, I learned ways to getting into writing like by drawing maps and sometimes walking away from your writing for a while. I enjoyed the peer critique sessions that we had to go over our Research Papers and Rhetorical Analysis. I found it funny though how on the Research Paper my peer’s had little critique on my paper. I learned that peer’s are sometimes afraid to make comments on your papers. The teacher should probably collect the Peer Critique forms next semester, just to be sure students are actually critiquing. Peer critiquing and revising is really the most important thing in the writing process. I think that the teacher should have sat down with us on our rough drafts of our research papers. I felt like so many of us were so new at researching and a little feedback would have been nice. All in all, I really did step out of my comfort zone this semester. I researched Surrogacy, a topic I knew nothing about, but ended up writing one of my favorite research papers I have ever written. I learned to really push myself in English because that is when the best writing comes out. I enjoyed the Rhetorical Analysis because I actually learned that my mother is one of the reasons that I am the person I am today. This assignment opened up my eyes to the fact that I got through all the bad times I’ve had to face and that I’m just going to keep on going. This course helped me in so many ways. You are probably wondering why you will ever need this course. I learned that this course is crucial and the basic building blocks for the rest of your education. This class helped me to write a research paper in History and helped me to better communicate with other people. This course and teacher was a success. I’m happy with the results, and even with this corky man I learned a lot.

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